
Semester's End

Monday was the day of finals in my seminary classes.  Three finals throughout the day.  I don't know what I was thinking in taking three classes on top of doing all the work with the student ministry and spending time with the family.  Through this semester, everything seemed to roll pretty smooth.  Then time for finals came and it all fell on one day.

As I think about this situation, I realize that life can be like that.  You can go about juggling all these responsibilities thinking that you're okay.  Then that day comes when everything falls together at once.  It can be overwhelming.  It's times like this that I wish I was more like my wife: very detailed, very organized, very "have a plan and stick to it."  But that's not who I am.  But that last line can serve as a lame excuse.  Naturally, I may not possess those characteristics abundantly, but I can work on getting better about it.

What areas in your life are you working on making better or at least trying to get them closer to where they should be?