
Snow Day

Yesterday was one of those interesting days in Alabama.  We heard the weather forecasts about snow was coming.  Being raised in Alabama, I thought the usual... it may flurry, but nothing big.  I was awoken by a very different site.

As you can see, the unusual happened here in Birmingham.  It was great though.  We got up and went outside to play in the snow as a family.

This was a picture of us outside.  This was our son's first-ever snowball fight.  Of course, he won.  As our little one laid down at his usual time for a nap, so did us parents.  It's not everyday that we get the chance to just stop and take a nap.  When we got up a little later, I was shocked to look out the window and see this...

All the snow was gone!  Just like it to happen that way in Alabama.  It reminded me of something important though.  Enjoy the time that you have with things.  You never know when situations will change or when things will be gone.  James 4:14 tells us, "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone."