
Pray for Rock the Block

This coming weekend, our church fellowship will be teaming with a group for The Church at Brook Hills to conduct a backyard Bible club event that we are calling "Rock the Block".  This is the VBS format that The Church at Brook Hills has used for the past few years with great success.

This is very encouraging to me on a couple of different fronts.  First, it is a beautiful picture when the body of Christ can come and do things together.  Too often churches are "competing" with one another over the same few people instead of trying to work together and reach the entire world.  Any time that fellowships can lock arms and work together, we give the world a glimpse of what heaven will look like.  If we are all going to worship and live together in eternity, then why can't the church get along here?

Another reason I am excited is that this is the first major event that our church fellowship is doing since I have been here as Pastor.  We have had a couple of little things, but nothing on the scale of this.  It is calling for all people to roll up their sleeves and pour into what God is doing.  It has been encouraging to watch and listen to people talk, discuss, plan and more about this event.

I would ask you to join us in prayer on a few things:

  1. Pray that children may come.  We are the new church in the area.  We have a small children's ministry compared to some.  We are trying to get the word out about Rock the Block and hoping to see our campus flooded with children who need to hear about the Lord.

  2. Pray for safety and health among the workers.  If you are in ministry, you know that during these times sickness creeps in and tries to knock people out.  We have already had some of our people hit with sicknesses of different kinds.

  3. Pray for Jesus to be lifted high. When Jesus is lifted high and clearly shown to people, He will draw them to Himself (John 12:32).

  4. Pray that our fellowship might be strengthened. I am looking at this event to be a shot in the arm for our people.  This is something, as a fellowship, they have never done before.  This is stretching the faith of many... and that's always a good thing.

Thank you in advance for the prayers.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for our community this weekend.  I'll try to post pictures and comments as I can.