
We Are Smoke

"You don't even know what tomorrow will bring - what your life will be! For you are like smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes." James 4:14 HCSB

I thought about this verse this afternoon. I found myself working putting together the toddler bed for our middle son, Sam. Yep, our little curly-headed mischief-maker is moving to a "big boy bed."


I have been told too many times to count by people who have already raised their children to cherish these times because they'll be gone before you know it. It is times like today that I see a glimpse of just how true that statement is.

For all the parents of young children reading this, don't forget that these precious treasures that God has entrusted us with are only with us a relatively short time. Let's make the most of each moment with them and store up some memories for the day when they head off to college or to start their own family.