
Build Your Replacement

This weekend begins spring break here in Fairhope. We also find ourselves within two weeks of our move to Birmingham. I was thinking the other day about whether we had completed the task here in Fairhope. I have realized more through this experience than any other that one of the most important goals of a minister is to replace himself. The fact is that at some point someone else is going to take over what you have built up. You can tell how truly effective one's ministry was by examining how it carries on after they are out of the picture. If a ministry caves in and dies when a person leaves, there is a good chance that it was built on a person and not the Kingdom. A Kingdom ministry will continue on past a person. I am so encouraged to watch as some adults are already stepping up to make sure the work of the student ministry in Fairhope carries on. Definitely a Kingdom-minded ministry.
If you are in ministry, make sure that you are building a Kingdom ministry and not your name or resume.