
Rewind 11.9.12


The past two weeks have been some of those that you find yourself playing "catch-up" from. I know that have fallen behind on my "Rewinds", but now we're going try and get back on track. Here are some of the reads that I have found very helpful recently.

8 Terrible Church Visits
This was a good post from Thom Rainer, President of Lifeway Christian Resources, about some of the pitfalls that visitors to churches have to face.

How to Lead Young Men
This was a great post on giving some pointers on how to lead those who are coming behind us. We all like the idea of mentoring, but how do we do in carrying it out?

Francis Chan on Making Disciples
A short video of Francis Chan teaching in the topic of making disciples. Very practical and convicting.

Christianity Isn't Dying; Cultural Christianity Is
This article has some great insight into what the declining numbers in many churches are attributed to.

5 of the Most Difficult Challenges a Pastor Faces
Thom Rainer shares about some difficulties pastors face. This is a good read to help the average layperson in a church see what some situations come across as.

9 Signs You May Be Addicted to Social Media
Perry Noble shares some funny zingers here. Sadly, they can be very convicting also.

All the Married Ladies
My wife has done it again. Great post encouraging married ladies to be specifically thankful for their husbands. Heaven knows I didn't make this post easy to right.

3 Things the Church Can Learn From Election 2012
The People Have Spoken - What Should Christians Do Now?
Trevin Wax and Ed Stetzer have written some great articles in the wake of the recent presidential elections that have seemed to divide a country even further.

7 Things a Pastor Kid Needs From a Father
Barnabas Piper, son of the pastor, John Piper, has written a great post to pastors to remember to be the father God has called you to be even over the church position He has called you to.